Decent expectations, setting achievable thresholds, and other key factors for a successful career planning. If you grow your career with a plan, you will never get into a lag. Many career successes and failures can be attributed to career plans or lack of it. Knowing the importance of such a plan, we have put together some comprehensive tips for successful career planning.
Tips for successful career planning
Often career paths while being unpredictable can be planned. The outcome may not be exactly as planned but something close can be attained. Yet having such a plan will help you set priorities and identify targets as you progress in your career. Also making plans ahead can motivate individuals to achieve more. It gives satisfaction with every little accomplishment.
Importance of Career Planning
- Having a Career Plan can help you see success through personal lenses: The good aspect of having a career plan is that it helps you measure success at your pace; on your terms. On several occasions, individuals with no career plan often compare their success or lack of it with others.
When others become a yardstick of progress measurement, it can result in depression or arrogance whichever way, using others as a yardstick will only create a mental image of those who you are doing better than or those doing better than you, in either case, both doesn’t represent how far you have come.
- Having a Career Plan Can be helpful in assessing achievements: A career plan can help you achieve more and also help you evaluate your success realistically based on personal accomplishments and not based on what your friends, coworkers, or neighbors accomplished or did not accomplish.
Seven Tips for Successful Career Planning
- Take account of personal situation
- Keep your expectations decent
- Take one step at a time
- Strive to reach growth timeline and requirements
- Identify available options
- Outline expected benefits like salaries and welfare
- Include qualifications and skill acquisition in your plans
Given the deep understanding of the importance of career planning, these 7 simple tips will put anyone ahead when strategically followed.
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Take account of personal situation:
When making a career plan, it has to be as personalized as possible. While most career paths may have you on several occasions working in a team, in most part you are on a lone ride.
You have to take into account personal limitations, strengths, and weaknesses. If you didn’t start out in life with rich parents, you know your odds, you reflect that in your plan. If you have some physical disabilities that make some aspects of your career more difficult, you have to pay attention to that in making your career plan.
Personalizing your plan will make you fulfilled with the success you make, when you are fulfilled by overcoming those personal challenges you will even grow more both as an individual and in your career.
Keep your expectations decent:
An extravagant approach to expectations can be disappointing for a successful career planning yet a non-ambitious expectation could keep one with fewer accomplishments. There has to be a balance. Keep your dreams accomplishable.
Take one step at a time:
When you take one step at a time when you look back after a while you may have covered a distance. It is important while making your career plan to not put so many things together to avoid overwhelming yourself or leaving both projects halfway. You may want to go to college and also run a bakery however while this is possible in so many cases, you need to carefully assess the situation.
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If the situation is such that without raising funds from the bakery you won’t be able to finance your college studies then why not run the bakery for a while, after you have saved enough money for college you can employ someone to assist with running the bakery while you can go back to school and oversee the bakery.
Take note that the bakery and college analogy is just an example of taking one step at a time and may not reflect your personal situation.
Strive to reach growth timeline and requirements:
Dreaming of promotion is an important step towards working and attaining such promotions is possible but while at it, ensure that you have the right skills to oversee new responsibilities.
Merit your progress, work to improve yourself while working to attain new heights in your career. You need to make a growth timeline which you will fashion yourself for. Examine the career ladder in your organization, identify your place, and understand what it will take to reach the next stage, if you desire such a next stage, start preparing for it the moment you climb the previous stage. This could be done by keeping a private (secret) career progress table outlining the requirements for your next phase and what you should do to attain it.
For a successful career planning, keep in mind that even after self-assessment and follow-up steps, there’s no guarantee that your success or promotion will happen but in most cases even when you are not getting exactly what you desire, a pay rise or other perks may not be out of place, in your expectations don’t seem too demanding.
Identify your options:
Making career plans is also about exploring alternatives. It helps you to identify beforehand what sector you would be capable of working on and also identify the skills needed for such future careers. Identifying your options also helps protect you from future abuse.
It can be common that in the absence of an alternative, there’s that state of monopoly that may trigger abuse. Loyalty to your current organization is very important but at the same time, it is important to keep your options open. Always seek better alternatives and if you are guaranteed of a better and sustainable welfare somewhere else, then it could be time to explore your options in putting a successful career planning idea together.
Before deciding on the next step in most cases it is important to indicate your interest in continuing to stay in your current organization however if for some reason there’s no improvement for you, then your options come into play.
Outline expected benefits like salaries and welfare:
Keeping a picture of how much you wish to be paid would give you a glimpse of how much qualifications, experience, or work hours you need to attain such. When you maintain such expectations in terms of salary structure and other benefits, you identify industries with such salary structure and benefits and then work to attain their job demand, especially in terms of qualifications and experience
Include qualifications and skill acquisition in your plans:
A realistic career plan must include the needed skills and qualifications to excel in the target industry. It is important to include self-improvement and growth towards being more qualified for your target industry.
A career growth plan will help you identify your career goals beforehand. It could also help you intercept challenges beforehand. Having a career plan will also keep a fulfilling career as you measure success on a self-set standard.
When you maintain a self-set standard you may find answers to your success and failure questions quicker than you can find with the general standard or even comparing yourself with others. A career plan is an important step to a fulfilling career.